Our consultation process is completely online. Patients from any part of the world can reach out to us for our services. Patients can book an online appointment for their desired program from book appointment section on website. On the day of first appointment we provide online video consultation. For follow up appointments we can go for either audio or video call as required. Patient is required to book follow up appointments from website as well. Patient can send his reports to us on whatsapp in pdf. We share diet plans over whatsapp and email.
You can send us your queries on whatsapp during the consultation and post consultation phase. We will respond to your queries within 24 hours.
Payment is part of the appointment booking process. While booking appointment, our website will take you to payment gateway. You can make the payment using the same.
Ideally a follow up sessions are done in 7 to 10 days or needs basis.
Duration of the program and number of appointments cannot be adjudged beforehand. It is dependent on multiple factors such as your condition, your body’s metabolic rate, your target and so on. On an average we tend to achieve 4-5 Kg weight loss in a month i.e. 4 weekly appointments.
We are not just a nutrition consultant but our focus is on holistic wellbeing based on integrative medicine. Following makes our consultation unique :
During the consultation phase we train you for maintaining a healthy lifestyle so that it becomes your second nature. Once the process is over, we put you on maintenance diet with once a month follow up for a certain duration. This helps you to maintain the lifestyle changes learned during program in the post consultation phase and thereafter. As a parting gift, we share education material that contains tools and tips to monitor your condition.
You have gained weight while eating, we make you lose weight with eating. None of our programs involve any kind of starvation or fasting. Starvation based plans are unhealthy way of losing weight. Our weight loss programs are designed to help you lose weight in a healthy and natural way.
Our plans do not make you starve. We are providing you nutritious, healthy and balanced diet to help you lose weight and not your health.
Every human’s body work and respond in a different way because of physiological conditions and other factors. Our programs are not oriented towards making you lose weight and look slim only. We are lifestyle educators and train people on designing a healthy lifestyle that includes healthy eating, quality sleep and exercise. If you follow the program and put in sincere efforts under our guidance, healthy weight reduction and good health is a sure outcome.
We often suggest our patients that since they are adopting a change in their lifestyle, they can use this opportunity to quit these addictions as well. Alcohol and smoking leads to accumulation of toxins in our body that harm our overall health. As part of our programs we try to reduce the quantity of alcohol and cigarette intake as a lifestyle modification. Some patients have successfully tapered off these alcohol and cigarette intake completely.
We suggest our patients to opt for healthy choices of non-veg food such as white meat and reduce red meat.
There can be multiple reasons for lack of output. Fad diets, food myths, self-doctored diets, copy paste diets, impatience, lack of discipline, physiological conditions, genetic predisposition and so on. We are lifestyle educators. We train our patients on designing a healthy lifestyle for themselves. Healthy lifestyle includes nutritious diet plans, exercise regime and quality sleep. Our diet plans are customized and tailored to individual’s needs.
We are flexible with appointments as per your travel schedules. Diet plans are customized as per the availability of food items.
We customize the diet plan schedule according to your shift pattern.
Any form of work out that challenges you and is enjoyable in experience is a suitable exercise. You could chose recreational exercise such as zoomba, aerobics, swimming etc. or you can chose more hard core regime such as cardio, strength training, power yoga etc. Choosing an exercise is your decision as per your interest, availability and feasibility.